Victoria Falls guided tour in Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls guided tour in Zimbabwe : Victoria Falls presents a stunning sight of awe-inspiring beauty and grandeur on the Zambezi River, forming a natural border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Kololo tribe that lived there referred to it as “Mosi-oa-Tunya,” or “The Smoke that Thunders,” because of the tremendous noise and spray that the rushing water produced. When considering both its width and height, Victoria Falls is now regarded as the world’s largest water curtain.

Victoria Falls guided tour in Zimbabwe

At the height of the rainy season, over five hundred million cubic metres (over 17 billion cubic feet) of water fall over the edge, over a width of nearly two kilometres or over a mile, into a gorge over a hundred metres or 300 feet below, creating columns of spray that are visible from miles away.

The main attraction and amazing reason to visit this unique safari destination. The Victoria Falls; a breathtaking display of misty rainbows and thundering water in the natural world. As you take in the astounding scope of this aquatic wonderland, the Victoria Falls dubbed the greatest waterfall in the world will leave you speechless. While in Victoria Falls, taking a guided tour is an absolute must.

As you enter the Victoria Falls rain forest at the beginning of the tour. You will experience a change in vegetation. The constant spray of the Victoria Falls falling on the surrounding area has created this natural rainforest. Enjoy the majestic beauty of the Victoria Falls as you explore the unique rain forest and feast your eyes on the amazing plant and bird life. As you make your way through the rainforest, your guide will pause at various viewpoints. As you take in the sheer size of the Victoria Falls, you will be in awe. This has been a really motivating safari experience.

The Victoria Falls will be in full overflow between April and June. You will get wet from the Falls’ spray during these months, so make sure to pack a raincoat.

You will additionally come across a set of stairs going down to a view point called the “Chain Walk “where you will be capable to look into the Devils Cataract  I would say this is undoubtedly well worth doing and is personally one of the favorite places for taking in the view on the tour of Victoria Falls.

Using the designated path, you can visit each of the 16 viewpoints along the edge; some are better than others, and as you approach the main falls, some are wetter than others.

Along the way, the path may get a little slick, so I’d advise wearing appropriate walking shoes. The wonder of the Victoria Falls lies in the fact that there are no large walls or barriers separating you from the edge, allowing you to get up close and personal with their a great deal of

At the end of the path is a far point called Danger Point, from which you can look across into Zambia. Depending on the season, you might be lucky enough to see a rafting trip beginning in the gorge below.

Victoria Falls guided tour in Zimbabwe

There is a path that leads to a bridge view point on the right from Danger Point. It’s a fantastic location to observe the Victoria Falls Bridge’s structure as well as some of the bungee jumpers from their platform in the centre of the bridge.

You are able to walk back along the path you came to the entrance or there is a back path on which you will find the toilets not far from the entrance gate. If you are lucky you may very well see some monkeys and a bush buck or two in the rainforest on your tour of Victoria Falls.

When is the best time to view the Victoria Falls?
Would you like to take a helicopter flight over the Victoria Falls to see the falls from a different angle? You will be able to see this amazing safari attraction from breathtaking vantage points.

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